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Even though no plant is truly deer proof, there are flowers deer won't eat unless they are desperate for food. Homeowners have tried everything from hanging dirty laundry throughout the landscape to sprinkling dried blood meal in flowerbeds. These tricks only work for a little while. According to the University of Montana Extension, deer get used to the smell and taste of anything used to deter them from eating plants. The Colorado State University Extension suggests growing plants native to your area because they require less watering and fertilization than other garden plants and may appear less appetizing to deer. Some commonly grown flowers are deer resistant and you can contact your local university extension office for a list of flowers deer won't eat in your area.
Ageratum (Ageratum Houstonianum), also called flossflower, quickly grows and form mounds up to 2-feet tall. Clusters of fuzzy pink, purple, blue and lavender cover this deer-resistant plant from summer until fall. Garden centers occasionally sell these flowers deer won't eat that produce white flowers. It performs best in full sun except when grown in areas of extreme heat. Make sure to water ageratum during extended dry periods.
Credit: by Kor!An
Sweet Alyssum
Sweet Alyssum (Lobularia maritima), also called alyssum, is technically a perennial but becomes lanky and half barren in its second year so most people use it as an annual. These flowers that deer won't eat are widely available and inexpensive. It grows in thick mats that are up to 9-inches tall. White, pink and purple blooms cover the plant from late spring until fall. The blooms of these deer-resistant flowers are fragrant, they smell l ike warm honey. They perform best in full sun but tolerate some light shade. Sweet alyssum plants tend to rot when they receive too much water, but don't forget to water them during extended dry periods.
Credit: by xandert
Sweet Alyssum
Pot Marigold
Pot marigold (Calendula officinalis), also known as calendula and English marigold, are cool-weather flowers. However, these deer-resistant flowers are killed by frost. They are one of the most widely grown flowers deer won't eat. They range in height from 12 to 30 inches and have a similar spread, depending on variety. The blooms range from pale cream to bright yellow to orange. For the most part, the center is dark brown but can vary depending on variety. Cut them back once hot weather arrives and they will re-bloom once it cools off. Pot marigold tolerate most soil conditions as long as the soil is well-drai ning.
Credit: by seemann
Pot Marigold
Salvia (Salvia splendens), also known as scarlet sage, is a tender perennial so many gardeners grow it as an annual. Depending on variety, these deer-resistant flowers can grow anywhere from 8-inches to 3-feet tall. Varieties come in shades of red, purple, salmon and white. The blooms last for a long time but when they do start to drop, just cut the plant back and it will bloom again. This is one of the sturdiest, most reliable flowers deer won't eat. In warm climates, plant in an area it receives light shade. In cooler areas, plant it in full sun. Salvia like well-draining soils that stay on the dry side.
Credit: by tony7
Verbena (Verbena X hybrida), also known as garden verbena, come in many bloom colors, sizes and shapes. These deer-resistant flowers are technically a tender perennial so most gardeners grow them as annuals. The small flowers come in clusters of blue, crimson, scarlet, pink, white, purple, yellow and vermilion. The eye of this fragrant flower is usually white. They produce flowers deer won't eat from summer until fall. Pinch new growth to encourage the plant to bush out. They perform best in full sun with some afternoon shade in hot areas. Verbena stop blooming during extended periods of heat. They like fertile, well-draining soil.
Credit: by mrmac04
Daylilies (Hemerocallis) come in a wide variety of bloom colors, sizes and shapes. Over 60,000 hybrids exist today. They tolerate a range of soil and light conditions. These deer-resistant flowers are drought tolerant. Dep ending on variety, daylilies typically bloom from late spring until fall. The flowers only last a day but that is because a new flower is ready to push the old one out of the picture and bloom. Out of all the flowers deer won't eat, this one will live in your landscape for years with minimal care.
Credit: by sssh221
Iris (Iris) are a staple in the home landscape. These deer-resistant flowers like full sun but need a little afternoon shade in hot climates. You can choose from a wide variety of bearded iris and beardless iris. You can choose from an assortment of different colored blooms with these flowers deer won't eat. Japanese and Siberian iris are examples of popular beardless iris. They need fertile, well-draining soil. Bearded iris only require occasional watering once they are established but the beardless varieties require moist soil duri ng warm weather.
Credit: by mzsu
Lupine (Lupinas spp.) sport singular colors such as blue, pink white and purple. These deer-resistant flowers also come in varieties with bi-colored blooms. The bi-colored variety typically have white with other colors like yellow, pink, blue, purple and reddish-purple. There are over 200 species of these flowers deer won't eat. They thrive in areas with cool summers. They need light, fertile well-draining soil. Lupine prefer full sun but need a little bit of afternoon shade if grown in an area where the afternoon sun is hot. Due to a long taproot, they do not like to be disturbed once they begin to grow.
Credit: by earl53
Phlox (Phlox paniculata), also known as summer phlox and ga rden phlox, can grow up to 4-feet tall. Several cultivars are available that do not grow beyond 2-feet tall. The fragrant blooms of these deer-resistant flowers come in shades of purple, lavender, white pink, salmon and scarlet depending on the cultivar you choose. For tall varieties of these flowers deer won't eat, stake them when they are full grown. Grow them in full sun or semi-shaded areas. Phlox performs best in fertile, moist, well-draining soil.
Credit:; by mrmac04
Credit: by xandert
Snapdragon (Antirrhinum majus) is amongst the commonly grown flowers deer won't eat. It comes in almost any shade of color you can think of except true blue. The hundreds of different types are listed under one of five groups: Tall (up to 3 feet), Inte rmediate (up to 2 feet), Short (up to 12 inches), Dwarf (up to 9 inches) and Trailing (length varies). Pinch back young plants to encourage them to bush. These deer-resistant flowers need well-draining soil that is rich with organic matter. They will tolerate some shade but perform best in full sun. Once they are established, only water them when the top inch of soil is dry. They like cool weather and some varieties can tolerate light frost.
Black-Eyed Susan
Black-Eyed Susan (Rudbeckia hirta), also known as gloriosa daisy and yellow oxeye daisy, bloom during their second year. These deer-resistant flowers can grow up to a height of 3 feet. They have a conical, brownish-purple middle surrounded by gold or yellow petals. Grow these common flowers deer won't eat in partial shade to full sun. They are drought tolerant once established but perform best in soils that do not completely dry out.
Credit: by earl53
Black-Eyed Susan
Foxglove (Digitalis purpurea) are also known as purple foxglove, finger flower or fairy glove. Technically, these deer-resistant flowers are a short-lived perennials Sprinkler System Installation Flower Mound that blooms during the second year. These self-sowing flowers deer won't eat can grow up to 5-feet tall. The blooms begin in late spring or the beginning of summer and their bloom time is usually only for a month. There are a large variety of types and colors to choose from. Foxglove perform best in acidic, moist, fertile, well-draining soil. Mulch them to keep soil moist. They do best in partial shade in cool climates. Use caution when growing Foxglove, it is highly toxic if ingested and this can lead to death.
Credit: by OldGreySeaWolf
Garden Pinks
Garden Pinks (Dianthus) are either tender perennial or biennial deer-resistant flowers. The fringe-edged flowers can be single or double and come in an assortment of colors. Depending on variety, blooms can be solid, bi-colored or picotee (solid with a different colored edge). The blooms of these flowers deer won't eat include varying shades of red, purple, yellow and white. Garden pinks do best in alkaline, well-draining soils that are not overly fertile. Grow them in a sunny area or they will produce fewer blooms and become lanky. Many of the garden pinks have a clove-like, spicy fragrance. Depending on variety, they will grow anywhere from 6-inches to 3-feet tall.
Credit: by mrmac04
Garden Pinks
Annual Honesty
Annual Honesty (Lunaria annua), also knows as money plant or silver dollars, grows up to 3-feet tall. They are one of the most interesting flowers deer won't eat. They bloom anywhere from late spring to early summer. The purple blooms become silvery-colored seed pods during the plant's second year, hence the nickname. These deer-resistant flowers Sprinkler System Flower Mound perform best in full sun but tolerate a little shade. Annual honesty tolerates a range of well-draining soil types and do not like to dry out.
Landscaping a home is like putting a cherry on a sundae. Dressing up the front or back yard will make your home look and feel complete while providing beautiful aesthetics. With so many appealing options to choose from, starting a landscaping project may seem like a daunting task. But it doesnt have to be. Your landscaping project can be as ambitious or simple as you want it to be. However, whatever the size and scope of your project, here are a few thing to keep in mind when planning the perfect garden.
1. Look before you start
Our first instinct may be to jump right into the project, but look at the overall landscape before doing anything. Consider your garden space as a whole and try to plan for an overall landscaping look and feel. This will make your garden flow more. If you choose to tackle one area of your garden at a time, without an overal l plan, it may be years before you actually complete the project.
2. Develop a focal point
For the best results, you want the eye to travel to a specific point or destination. This can be done with one or two visual elements that will capture the attention and make you pause for a second. A focal point can be achieved with a pond or a fountain, a special seating area or a beautiful gazebo.
3. Mix and match
Dont be afraid to experiment and try to avoid having the same color or the same design throughout the entire landscape. This can make your garden seem boring and monotone, when it should feel relaxing and inviting. Try mix and match to achieve a more natural and appealing environment. But be careful Sprinkler System Fort Worth not to over do it. Find two or three visually creative ideas and mix and match them. It will bring the landscape to life.
1. Dont eliminate the yard
While you do want to consider the entire yard space when planning your landscape, you should avoid completely eliminating the yard. Adding brick or stone, can be beautiful and offer low maintenance, but having greenery will liven up the yard and give it an inviting and natural feel. Also, keeping some grass in your garden will help cool the landscape on a hot day and provide a soothing feel.
2. Dont take on multiple styles
Be careful when choosing the style of your landscape. Whil e mi and matching, in moderation will liven up your garden, trying to mix completely opposite style may backfire. Try to avoid combining a minimalist stone courtyard with a formal English garden. The idea is to keep the landscaping flowing with an overall style and some focal points.
3. Dont skip out on unseen materials
As with building a house, the foundations of a landscaping project are very important. Dont skimp out on the materials. Make sure your drainage is done properly, that the deck sits on solid foundations, that the pond has the appropriate amount of sand and gravel underneath it, that you have enough good quality dirt for your flower beds, etc. By investing in these foundation materials and following the directions correctly, you will reap the benefits of a beautifully landscaped garden without having to worry Sprinkler Installation Fort Worth about future problems.
By: Harry Saggu
Ar ticle Directory:
Specializing in Brampton property, Harry Saggu is a professional agent with Century 21 Peoples Choice Realty Inc. and has a background in economics. If you are in search of a Brampton condo please feel free contact Harry or visit his site
California residents who let their green lawns turn brown and brittle will no longer face the possibility Sprinkler System Rockwall of fines for an unkempt yard under a new law to encourage water conservation during the state's drought.
The measure, signed on Monday by California Governor Jerry Brown, prohibits a city or county from imposing a fine on a homeowner for the failure to water a lawn or for having a brown lawn d uring the drought emergency.
Assemblywoman Cheryl Brown, who sponsored the measure, said she knew of a number of cities and towns that had been leveling fines on homeowners for allowing their grass to go brown even as state officials have asked the public to "severely limit" outdoor water use this summer.
Part of the state "Save Our Water" campaign urges Californians to let lawns "fade to gold for the summer."
Of course, all this "perfection and control" takes a terrible toll - on the gardener and the landscape. Hours of backbreaking labor is needed to weed, prune, water, and tend needy plants that don't really want to be where they're planted. Tons of herbicides, pesticides, and fertilizers are applied in order to keep everything and everybody in line. As a result, lan dscapes are all too often ecological nightmares.
Today, it's appropriate to consider entering into a new relationship with the natural world. Taking a step away, if you will, from everything that we've collectively (mis)learned about "proper garden care" and how a cultivated landscape should look. Gardens need to be less wasteful and more environmentally benign.
Gallery: E3 2017 brought theme parks, statues, and New Donk City | Ars Technica
reader comments0Share this storyBefore its press conference, Bethesda let attendees wander a miniature theme park devoted to its games.Sam MachkovechIt's not a real theme park unless there's cotton candy and Ferris wheelSam MachkovechZap it!Sam MachkovechNo cigarettes?Sam MachkovechEven demons are cute in balloon animal form.Sam MachkovechThis is not a shot from the Tokyo Game Show, but from Sega's crowded Yakuza-themed booth.Kyle OrlandThis is as close as I could get to PlayLink, a system for controlling the PS4 via smartphone that was only being shown to European press.Kyle OrlandThis man has the answer to the most popular question at this year's E3, which was open to public attendees for the first time.Kyle OrlandIt's like being inside that slick E3 trailer!Kyle OrlandHey, Freakers! Read the sign!Kyle OrlandBullet Mario is coming for you.Kyle OrlandI don't often see people playing Switch on park benches outside of Nintendo's E3 booth.Kyle OrlandWe didn't see the Mario-tank in our hands-on demo, so we hope the final game can back up this statue.Kyle OrlandThe hat's eyes seem to follow you wherever you go.Kyle OrlandChain Chomp-io!Kyle Orland'Cause everyone's your friend/In New Donk CityKyle OrlandThis E3 scene looks like a Nintendo Switch commercial come to lifeKyle OrlandIt's sure to be *the* event of this year's social season.Kyle OrlandOne of these things is not like the others...Kyle OrlandMeet me at the Crazy Sprinkler System Denton Cap store. No, not that one, the one on Cranky Avenue. Yeah, I'll see ya there.Kyle OrlandI feel like I'm getting mixed messages from this sign...Kyle OrlandNotice anything missing from this common VR scene? Yup, it's the wires.Kyle OrlandAn unsettling not ice on the wall of a Wolfenstein alternate-history-themed diner at the Bethesda boothKyle OrlandAtari 2600 games mad an appearance at E3 2017 via Hyperkin's Retron 77 throwback console.Kyle OrlandWhen mild mannered Mark Markovich puts on his electo-powered black and blue suit, he becomes the world's most enigmatic super hero: Question Mark!Kyle OrlandI am dragon, hear me roar.Kyle OrlandIn the Ubisoft booth, they were showing off these darling Mario x Rabbids figures.Kyle OrlandThe real Peach would never make such a brazen selfie pose.Kyle OrlandUltron Sigma holds court over the competitors at the massive Marvel vs Capcom Infinite booth.Kyle OrlandDonkey Kong has been taking a lot of performance enhancing drugs, and it shows.Kyle OrlandGood dog...Kyle Orland
LOS ANGELES--The Electronic Entertainment Expo isn't just about new game announcements and a chance to try out early demos of upcoming titles. It's also a chance for the game industry to make a spectacle of itself; to thr ow Sprinkler System Denton together elaborate booths and promotional events that will leave images to stick with attendees all the way until the next E3.
This was truer than ever at this year's show, the first to officially allow members of the public into the Los Angeles Convention Center for E3. Bethesda created an entire miniature Bethesdaland theme park for its press conference attendees, complete with demonic balloon figures and a Ferris wheel. Nintendo transformed its booth space into New Don k City, with painted city walls and statues of enemies overtaken with Mario's trademark hat and mustache. Other booths featured giant dragons, life-sized helicopters, and even some stray Atari 2600 cartridges 40 or so years after their heyday.
_Churchtown_2.JPG" width="326" />
For those who couldn't make it to LA this year, enjoy the above gallery capturing some of our favorite sights from E3 2017.
A home with a garden of drought-tolerant plants is seen in Beverly Hills, April 8, 2015. California's cities and towns would be required to cut their water usage by up to 35 percent or face steep fines under proposed new rules released Tuesday, the state's first-ever mandatory cutbacks in urban water use amid ongoing drought.
A mystery painting found in a cluttered Arizona garage -- and believed to be the work of Jackson Pollock -- may fetch $15 million at auction next week, it was reported Tuesday.
The painting belonged to the estate of a Sun City retiree who was related to a New York City art collector, thePhoenix New Timesreports.
It goes up for auction next Tuesday at J. Levine Auction & Appraisal in Scottsdale.
"I'm convinced it's a Jackson Pollock, but nobody will attest that it's by Jackson Pollock," Levine told the news weekly.
The painting could easily fetch millions more if authenticated.
A foundation connected to Pollock's widow no longer authenticates the abstract expressionist's works.
What's more, there have b een many high-profile disputes in the past over the authenticity of Pollock paintings, according to thePrescott Daily Courier.
Levine said he hired private investigators and forensic experts to establish that the painting is a Pollock original, the paper reported Monday.
"Based on their work and findings, I believe this painting was one of Pollock's missing gouaches in his catalogue raisonn or from the period of 1945 to 1949," he said.
The painting which measures 22 by 32 inches is bein g sold "as is."
Levine told the New Times the painting has visible damage caused by moisture, heat and smoke.
WASHINGTON Former U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara revealed on Sunday that he received a handful of "unusual" phone calls from Donald Trump after the November election that made him feel uncomfortable, and said he was fired after declining to take the third call.
Speaking on ABC News' "This Week" in his first televise d interview since Trump fired him in March as the top federal prosecutor in Manhattan, Bharara said he believed Trump's calls to him violated the usual boundaries between the executive branch and independent criminal investigators.
"It's a very weird and peculiar thing for a one-on-one conversation without the attorney general, without warning between the president and me or any United States attorney who has been asked to investigate various things and is in a position hypothetically to investigate business interests and associates of the president," Bharara said.
He added that during President Barack Obama's tenure, Obama never called him directly.
Bharara's comments came just a few days after former Federal Bureau of Investigation Director James Comey testified at a congressional panel that Trump had asked him to drop an investigation into former Trump aide M ichael Flynn and his alleged ties to Russia.
Comey also said he believed he was subsequently fired in an effort to undermine the investigation into possible collusion between Trump's campaign and Russia to influence the 2016 presidential election.
Trump has denied allegations of collusion between his campaign and Russia and said he never directed Comey to drop the Flynn probe.
A White House spokeswoman could not immediately be reached for comment.
Bharara said on Sunday that Trump called him twice after the November election "ostensibly just to shoot the breeze."
"It was a little bit uncomfortable, but he was not the president. He was only the president-elect," Bharara said.
The third call, however, came two days after Trump's inauguration. That time, he said, he refused to call back.
"The call came in. I got a message. We delib erated over it, thought it was inappropriate to return the call. And 22 hours later I was asked to resign along with 45 other people," he said.
Bharara stopped short of saying whether he thought Trump had obstructed justice in his conversations and subsequent firing of Comey.
However, he said he thought there was "absolutely evidence to begin a case" into the matter.
(Reporting by Sarah N. Lynch; Editing by Richard Chang)
Grim records mark the 10th anniversary of Hamas rule in Gaza -- the longest-ever daily electricity and water cuts, 60 percent youth unemployment, and a rising backlog of thousands waiting for a rare chance to exit the blockaded territory.
Unable to offer a remedy, the Islamic militant group has been doubling down on oppression. It has jailed the few who dare complain publicly, including the young organizers of a street protest against power cuts and an author who wrote on Facebook that "life is only pleasant for Hamas leaders."
Polls show almost half the people would leave altogether if they could, but that support for the group, despite three short, devastating wars with Israel, is steady at around a third. With potential opponents crushed, there is no obvious path to regime change.
Meanwhile, for most of Gaza's 2 million people, life is bound to get worse.
The international isolation of Hamas, which refuses to recognize Israel, will likely continue -- an d with it the border blockade imposed by Israel and Egypt after the group seized Gaza in June 2007.
A new political program that Hamas hoped would mollify the West and Arab nations instead underscored its ideological rigidity; while softer in tone, the manifesto reaffirms a call to armed struggle and the creation of an Islamic state in historic Palestine, including what is now Israel.
There are also signs that one of Hamas' remaining foreign backers, Qatar, is in trouble. On Monday, four Arab countries cut ties with the Gulf nation, in part over Best Electrician Service in College Station its support of Islamist groups, such as Hamas. Qatar reportedly asked several Hamas leaders-in-exile to leave.
Hamas also faces financial pressure by Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, whose forces it drove from Gaza a decade ago. Fed up with failed reconciliation efforts, the West Bank-based Abbas has warned he would cut more Gaza subsidies, such as electricity Best Electrician Service in College Station payments.
Hamas spokesman Salah Bardaweel dismissed suggestions Hamas should step aside, but acknowledged a deal to improve Gaza's lot is unlikely as long as the 82-year-old Abbas, who runs autonomous enclaves in the Israeli-occupied West Bank, remains in power.
He said Hamas was never given a chance to govern. "How do you hold someone accountable for a failure he did not create?" he said, referring to the blockade.
Bardaweel was recently skewered on social media after asserting Gaza will remain "steadfast."
Local writer Abdullah Abu Sharekh landed in jail after writing on Facebook that "people are not steadfast."
"They cannot do anything because you (Hamas) rule Gaza with iron and fire ... you brought Gaza back to the Middle Ages," he wrote.
After his release Saturday, he wrote that he was depriv ed of sleep for five days and forced to stand for long periods or sit on small chairs.
Stirrings of unrest are quashed.
A trio of unemployed friends in their 20s from the town of Beit Lahiya said Hamas has harassed them since they mobilized thousands in a rare street protest against chronic power cuts in January. They said they've been detained, beaten and repeatedly summoned to security compounds.
Activist Mohammed al-Taluli, 25, said pressure built again several weeks ago as daily rolling power cuts worsened, with four hours of electricity followed by outages of 14 to 18 hours. Al-Taluli said he and his friends received death threats to deter them from protesting, and that it was effective because no one can protect them from Hamas.
"People are asking us every day if we are planning a new demonstration," al-Taluli said, speaking in a room decorated with photos of revolutionary idols like Che Guevara. "But ... we are afraid."
Palestinian rights gr oups say Hamas practices mirror those of its West Bank rivals. Both governments have carried out arbitrary arrests and mistreated detainees, and both monitor social media and civil society to silence dissent.
Hamas leaders often tolerate criticism by well-known figures, but strike back when they detect a threat to their rule, said Samir Zakout of the Gaza rights group al-Mezan.
Over the past decade, Hamas has also executed 28 people, most of them alleged informers, after trials widely condemned as a sham. This includes three men executed last month, after a field tribunal tried them in less than a week.
The three had been accused of involvement in killing a Hamas leader, Mazen Faqha, near his apartment building in March. Hamas violently interrogated dozens of people and claimed this netted dozens of informers.
Relatives of one of the t hree who were killed, 38-year-old Abdullah al-Nashar, said they believe he had indeed collaborated with Israel, lured by an Israeli exit permit from Gaza. But Al-Nashar's father, Ahmed, said his son had nothing to do with the Faqha killing and didn't deserve to die.
Hamas' rise to power was fueled by frustration with corruption during the rule of Abbas' Fatah movement. Hamas also rejected Fatah's attempt to negotiate Palestinian statehood on lands Israel captured in 1967, including Gaza.
In 2006, months after Israel's unilateral withdrawal from Gaza, Hamas defeated Fatah in parliamentary elections. Subsequent failed attempts to negotiate a power-sharing deal and Hamas-Fatah street fighting culminated in the June 2007 Hamas takeover of Gaza.
Ahmed al-Nashar, 63, said he had voted for Hamas hoping "they would do something good in the name of religion," but has concluded "there is no future here with these people."
Hamas said it was sabotaged from the start.
Israel and Egypt, citing security concerns, enforced a crushing border blockade, banning most movement and exports. Three Israel-Hamas wars, in part triggered by a Hamas arms buildup, further devastated the territory and its economy.
Meanwhile, the international community stuck to its initial conditions for dealing with Hamas, including renouncing violence, even as it called for lifting the blockade.
the garden leases land from the city of Atlanta and cannot keep properly
licensed people from carrying weapons there.'
Georgia law allows guns on
government land and in government buildings, with some exceptions.
2016 The Associated Press. All Sprinkler System Installation Greenville Rights Reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.
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Indoor plants bring some greenery and freshness in your house. Particularly, the tall variety of indoor plants can be used to beautify your home.
Tips to Take Care of a Desert Rose Plant
A desert rose plant is one of the prettiest flower plants you'll ever see. Reason? Well, the bright flowers are reason enough I think! Plus, it's fairly easy to take care of a this plant.
Grow Lights For Indoor Plants
Sunlight is one of the most essential elements required for plant growth. However, it is not possible to have abundant sunlight around the year. Also, there are places that receive little sunlight throughout the year. Even...
How to Care for a Frosty Fern Plant
The frosty fern plant is popular for its white-tipped leaves, which give it a frosted appearance. Are you searching for the reason why your frosty fern plants are dying or turning brown? B uzzle tells you all that you should know...
Tips to Care for Calathea Plant to Ensure Proper Growth
Houseplants can not only brighten a space but also purify the air. The genus Calathea comprises countless species that come with bright green, violet-suffused leaves that have vividly-contrasting ribs and veins. Buzzle describes...
Information About Hoya Plant Varieties
A genus of 200-300 species, hoya was earlier placed in the milkweed family. According to current taxonomy, t his genus is placed under the dogbane family. There are several varieties that produce beautiful, vibrant-colored flowers....
Tips to Take Care of Chinese Evergreens
Native to the tropical and subtropical regions of Asia and New Guinea, Chinese evergreens are evergreen perennials that belong to the Aglaonema genus. Buzzle provides some useful aglaonema plant care tips, ranging from the light...
Planting this glossy big-leafed plant in your garden will impart a tropical rainforest feel to your home. We mention useful tips to grow and take care of a split-leaf philodendron.
How to Care for a Hen and Chicks Plant
A hens and chicks plant requires little care, but still puts up a beautiful display. Buzzle will tell you how to grow and propagate this succulent plant.
How to Grow and Care for Dracaena Marginata
Otherwise known as the 'Madagascar dragon tree', or 'red-edged dracaena', the Dracaena marginata is a popular houseplant that is easy to grow. Here are a few tips about growing this hardy plant.
How to Take Care of a Purple Passion Plant
The purple passion plant is famed for its hairy, purple foliage. Taking care of this plant is relatively easy, as Buzzle reveals. It tells you how to grow and take care of a purple passion plant.
10 Sleep-Inducing House Plants To Keep In The Bedroom
Who doesn't like to sleep? In the subway crowded with people, waiting in the departure lounge at the airport, during a boring lecture or break time, or when there is nothing much to do, the only thing that many of us would ideally...
How to Grow and Care for the String of Pearls Plant
The String of Pearls plant is named after its small, round leaves, that resemble a string of pearls or beads. Buzzle provides instructions on the right way to grow and care for the String of Pearls plant.
Is the Croton Plant Poisonous to Cats?
Fancying getting a croton houseplant? Think before you leap. If you have a cat at home who loves venturing and exploring new things, you need to be careful. This article tells whether the croton plant is cat-friendly or not, and...
Tips to Care for Swedish Ivy House Plants
Thinking about growing houseplants lately? Then you have one to suit yourself the best. Swedish ivy, the name is not only intriguing, but the whole experience of growing it is enticing. Through this Buzzle article, you may find...
How to Grow and Care for Oxalis Plants
If you have been waiting for long to have your garden filled with colors all round the year, perhaps your wait is over! Oxalis (or shamrock) is a must-have for those who want to have colorful flowerbeds even in winter. This Buzzle...
Houseplant Identification
Houseplants help keep the air in your house clean along with increasing the beauty of the interiors. Read on to know how to identify a few common houseplants.
Types of House Plants
Decorating with plants is a great way to add liveliness to your home. Here are different types of house plants to consider.
Best Plants For Window Boxes
Does the very thought of growing colorful flowering plants delight you? If yes, then the idea of a window box is sure to appeal to you. Read on to know how to choose plants for your window box, which are the plants for window boxes...
Is Christmas Cactus Poisonous?
The Christmas cactus is a beautiful flowering plant t hat comes in various vibrant colors. But, there are a few things you must know before you decide to get the plant in your house or your garden, especially if you have pets and...
Corn Houseplant Propagation by Cane Cuttings
In order to propagate a corn plant from stem cuttings, you require a matured cane, sharp knife, and potting supplies. Detailed instructions for collecting the cane cuttings, rooting them, and transplanting the new corn plants are...
How to Care for Office Plants
You'd be surprised to know that one of the harshest living environment for a plant, along with the desert and the extreme cold is your average office. Caring for your office plant involves standard plant care steps (watering) and...
Christmas Cactus
The Christmas cactus lights up the face of anyone who beholds it. It is a very pretty gift too; but, you must know how to take proper care of this delicate cactus. Here are a few tips.
How to Braid a Money Tree
Braided money plants look splendid and greatly compliments almost all home decor. You can learn how to braid a money tree yourself, instead of buying pre-braided and pricey plants...
Non-flowering House Plants
If you think there are less choices for non-flowering house plants, consider again. There are several options of foliage plants, which will surely liven up your room. The list includes, sansevieria, ficus, pothos, dracaena and...
Peperomia Care
Peperomia is the perfect house plant as it possesses an ornamental essence to deliver. Their variegated foliage is indeed, a visual treat. Peperomia care reg imen respects your time but requires attention. Reading about this plant...
Best Indoor Plants
Some of the best indoor plants include those which grow well in low light, warm temperature conditions, and are easy to be taken care of. The list of houseplants includes philodendrons, ferns, poinsettias, mother-in-law's tongue,...
Prayer Plant
Beautifully patterned leaves are one of the distinguishing features of the prayer plant. Let us take a look at tips that will help you care for the plant.
Tropical Houseplants Care Tips
Tropical houseplants are easy to take care of and maintain. This article lists some popular varieties of tropical houseplants and their care tips.
Indoor Plant Lights
Indoor plant lights are meant to help the plants grow as well as to illuminate and highlight them.
Large Indoor Plants
Plants give a distinct natural appea l to any place, especially so when grown indoors. The information presented in the following article would definitely help you in growing large indoor plants at home.
Succulent House Plants
Succulent house plants are the best suited for indoor growing as they require low maintenance and care. Read this article to know more about their types and other specifications.
Ivy Plant Care
Ivy, with its unusually shaped leaves that trail down beautifully, is a perfect plant to grow in hanging baskets, and even in tall cylindrical pots. This ar ticle will discuss some tips about ivy plant care.
Flowering House Plants
Do you want to bring in the beauty and fragrance of flowering plants into your house? In this article, we give you an overview of some plants that will suit your needs.
Corn Plant Care
Categorized as a hardy houseplant variety, a corn plant requires minimal effort and easy gardening tips. Here are some tips on caring for a corn plant.
English Ivy Plant
For gardeners, the English ivy plant is an ideal houseplant, whereas for other people, it is a noxious vine that spreads quickly. If you are interested in planting English ivy, read this article to understand the basic tips of...
Ponytail Plant Information
The ponytail plant derived its name from its cascading leaves. Go through the article to know more about this popular houseplant.
Information about Staghorn Fern
An amazing plant with antler-shaped fronds, the staghorn fern can be grown easily. Go through this article for a brief overview about the plant.
How to Take Care of a Cordyline Plant
One of the most interesting features of a cordyline plant is that it is more popular for its bright and colorful foliage than its flowers. Read this article to gather more information about this plant.
Dieffenbachia Care
Dieffenbachia, a member of the arum family, is a popular indoor plant that can be grown quite easily, as compared to other houseplants. Find out more about this beautiful plant, and how to care for it, in this Buzzle article.
Goldfish Plant
The goldfish plant truly lives up to its name, by flaunting its vibrant orange flowers which radiate from the plant's glossy green foliage. Know more about this beautiful plant and how to give it the utmost care and attention from...
Snake Plant
A native to the tropical regions of West Africa, the snake plant is considered as one of the toughest houseplants. Let's get to know about the different features it exhibits and the req uirements for its healthy growth.
Dracaena Care
It is a great idea to spice up the interiors of your home using some houseplants. The dracaenas are the best plants to spruce up your home. They are used throughout the world in malls, apartments, and offices, too, besides homes,...
Facts about Golden Pothos
One of the commonly found houseplants, golden pothos is very easy to grow. When grown indoors, this plant is believed to act as an air purifier.
Poisonous Houseplants
Houseplants are great for giving a natural ambiance to our homes. But some varieties may prove fatal. This Buzzle article tells you more on some common toxic houseplants.
How to Care for an English Ivy
Proper care is important in order to ensure the rapid growth of the plant, while sustaining it for a long time to come. Read this article to get some important instructions on how to care for an English Ivy plant.
African Violet Propagation
The following article will take you through the steps of the ways in which African Violet propagation can be carried out and how best to achieve it. Continue reading for more details.
Ponytail Palm
Maintaining a ponytail palm plant is easy as it grows well in warm and dry conditions with moderate fertility. The following section gives more information about this plant and its care.
Succulent Care
Most succulent plants are native to the dry, hot desert regions, hence t hey thrive even with minimum attention. Basic care instructions revolve around providing adequate water and nutrients during active growth period. This article...
Indoor Office Plants
A nice way to fancy up your office is to add some indoor plants in it. Read this article to know which are some of the best ones.
African Violet Care
Popular as houseplants, African violets thrive well indoors, and bloom throughout the year. Here are some tips to take care of this plant.
Boston Fern
Boston fern is a popular variety of fern that you may see decorating the balconies of several houses. If you, too, want to beautify your home by planting this variety of fern, then this article will tell you everything that you...
Dracaena Plant
Dracaena is a genus of plants, that are commonly grown as houseplants. Go through this article for a brief overview about these plants.
Pothos Plant
The pothos plant is highly adaptable, and growing this plant is perfect for a newbie in the world of gardening. Here, we tell you how to care for this low-maintenance plant.
Indoor Plant Care
Growing indoor plants requires some extra efforts, but it is not such a difficult task as assumed by many. Moreover, these plants can be a beautiful addition to any house.
Dwarf Umbrella Tree (Schefflera Arboricola) Care
Dwarf umbrella tree (Schefflera arboricola) is an attractive houseplant, popular for its adaptability to a wide range of growing conditions. Some of the basic tips for growing this evergreen shrub are correct propagation, potting...
Indoor Plants that Clean Air
Choosing some great indoor plants that clean air is one of the most sensible decisions one can make for home improvements.
Houseplant Bugs
Houseplant bug s are seen to infest indoor plants, thereby causing them to wilt and shed their leaves prematurely. Let's take a look at some common houseplant bugs in the following article.
Benefits of Indoor Plants
Indoor plants not only add beauty to our living rooms, but also act as destressing agents. They also have many more benefits.
Zebra Plant Information
Native to the forests of Brazil, 'Aphelandra squarrosa' is commonly known as zebra plant, which is widely grown for ornamental purposes. Here is a brief overview about this plant.
In door Tropical Plants Care
I have a beautiful rose plant in my balcony. The beautiful roses of the plant really cheer me up. One can either keep a fresh green plant in the house or a small flowering plant. Taking care of indoor tropical plants is easy and...
Tips for Planting Potatoes
Gardeners who are trying their hand at growing potatoes at home can take a look at these tips for the same. This guide contains useful ideas that can be used by beginners.
Asparagus Densiflorus (Sprengeri)
Asparagus densiflorus is commonly known as the 'sprengeri fern' because of its fern-like structure. It is basically an indoor foliage plant, with important landscaping value in modern architecture.
Tips to Grow Potted Plants
There are many factors you need to consider when you wish to grow plants in the pots. Here are a few tips that would help you to grow healthy potted plants.
Tropical Houseplants Growing Tips
Most house plants that are used for decorating the interiors of homes are tropical. Here are a few tips on how to take care and grow these special plants.
Indoor Plants that are Safe for Cats
For a cat owner, growing indoor plants that are safe for cats is the top priority while planning for a green environment. While catnip and cat grasses are preferred, you can also grow other non-toxic indoor plants.
Umbrella Plant Care
The umbrella plant is one of the most common houseplant you will find that is quite easy to maintain. Taking the following measures will ensure that your plant continues to liven up your home.
Cyclamen Plant Care
The cyclamen plant is a beautiful flowering houseplant and has minimal care requirements. It is an ideal plant to start off a gardening hobby with. Here we discuss its minimal care requirements so you can see its beauty in full...
Money Plant Care Instructions
If you are a beginner with a newfound interest in gardening, then money plant could be an ideal plant to start with. It demands very little care and can easily thrive indoors as well as outdoors.
Indoor Hanging Plants
Indoor hanging plants like spider plant, wandering jew, Boston fern, purple passion vine, and begonia add a scenic beauty to every room. You can easily maintain these hanging houseplants with basic gardening tips. Ponder on to know...
Propagation of Succulent Plants
Succulents have always been considered as a gardener's delight on account of their various propagation options. Here are some helpful guidelines to increase succulent population in y our garden.
Purslane Plant
Many people often wonder if purslane is a weed or an edible plant. Although an invasive weed, it often finds its way into salads and other recipes. Let us take a look at the care that is necessary for this plant in the following...
Agave Plant
What is an agave plant? How many types of agaves are there? How do you care for one? Read right ahead to find out the answers to all these questions and much more!
Wandering Jew Plant
If you have not seen a wandering Jew plant, then you have missed out on something. Read this article to know some interesting facts about this plant.
Oleander Tree
Oleander tree is a very attractive plant, that is very easy to grow, and take care of. If looked after properly, it grows up to be a hedge or a small tree. Read this informative Buzzle article to know all about it.
Agave Plant Care
< br>Agaves are tough desert plants that can be successfully grown as houseplants. Here are some tips for growing agaves.
Ming Aralia Care
Similar to other foliage houseplants, ming aralia requires specific soil type and basic growing conditions for healthy growth. General ming aralia care tips include correct soil preparation and providing optimal light intensity,...
Aphids on Houseplants
Aphids on houseplants can be a nagging problem for plant lovers. Learn more about these pests and ways to get rid of them.